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Purr and Cat Behaviour

Many of our more recent subscribers will be aware of, and will have made use of, our cat scratch-training guide 'teach your cat to prefer the post', but we thought it might be a good idea to write a quick synopsis for anyone who has not yet seen it.

We all know how upsetting it can be when your cat decides the sofa, the door frame or that one patch of carpet at the top of the stairs is the ideal place to sharpen their claws, but this perfectly natural behaviour does not have to end with de-clawing or re-homing.

Our guide teaches you step by step how, with the aid of a bottle of Purr and a few cheap scratching posts, you can come to a great understanding with your feline lodger and train almost any cat to prefer the post.

We've had great success using this method on our own cats and reports back from others have also been very favourable, in fact we've not heard from anyone who has not been able to make use of the techniques.

List subscribers who have not received a copy, email me and I'll send it to you. Non-subscribers simply sign up and you'll be sent the instructions on how to receive your copy absolutely free.

This article was first published in The Purr Company's regular Mews-letter, visit us for more cat stories and articles, a gallery of our visitors cats , cat videos and our online shop.

You may reproduce this article free of charge in any free newsletter or on any free web site on the condition that this resources box is included with any reproduction.

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