One Goal, One Passion, Happy Cats!

"There's no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat..."

  Wesley Bates




Cat Articles & Stories

  • Can You Really Train A Cat? - Cat owners often think that their cat is just too moody to listen. Some owners feel their cats are un-trainable simply because they are arrogant. The ...more
  • Cats and their senses - A domestic cat is has much in common with its wild equivalent. For all human interference it is still basically designed as a fearsome predator and as...more
  • What's it Like to Own a Cloned Cat? - Unless you've been living on another planet for the last decade, you'll have heard something about the controversy surrounding the long predicted and ...more
  • How to be a Momma Cat - Over the years, I have raised nine orphaned kittens. Four of them were two weeks old when their mother was killed; three others were only hours old wh...more
  • Purr and Cat Behaviour - We all know how upsetting it can be when your cat decides the sofa, the door frame or that one patch of carpet at the top of the stairs is the ideal p...more

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Cat Video Gallery

A very clever musical cat

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