It's a Cats Life
Millionaire cat lives in lap of luxury

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A Canadian man has left a fortune to his beloved cat in his will.

79-year-old Batchelor David Harper made his fortune by working hard and living frugally. In his will Mr Harper has made Red, the 3 year old tabby cat, the sole beneficiary of the $1.1million (approx £650,000) estate so that Red will be cared for for the rest of his 9 lives.

The United Church of Canada have been given the duty of looking after both the cat and the money and are responsible for all food, healthcare and any other expenses that Red might accrue over the coming years.

A person leaving their fortunes to their beloved pet is not as rare an event as you might expect and there have been occasional newspaper reports of such things for decades.

Understandably disgruntled human family members often contest such bequests, but unusually, in this case, that does not seem to have happened.

Whilst I'm on the subject, anyone looking to leave a million dollar fortune in the hands of a cat carer could do worse than look in Suffolk, in fact if you write to I can recommend the perfect candidate. (Too obvious? Well it was worth a try!!)

This article was first published in The Purr Company's regular Mews-letter, visit us for more cat stories and articles, a gallery of our visitors cats , cat videos and our online shop.

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