New invention promises an end to litter smells

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A new invention called "Smart CAT Box" takes the whole cat litter concept and turns it on it's head.

Completely opposite to traditional cat litter, Instead of absorbing the waste repels it so that it collects underneath the tray. This also allows the owner to easily clean and reuse the litter, helping the wallet and the environment at the same time, not to mention the other benefits the manufacturers claim.

"The SMART CAT BOX was born out of necessity", says Sara Maguire, Inventor and President of Providence House Mfg., Inc. "There had to be a better, easier and more economical way to collect and dispose of cat urine." 

You can buy one from the company's website at . We haven't tried it yet but it does sound like a great idea, even for occasional use such as at New Year or on Guy Fawkes Night.

We hope to get hold of one of these and give it a road test, and we'll be sure to write the results here. If you buy one please be sure to tell them where you heard about them and if you want to send us a review we'd love to publish it.

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